Experımental Research On Flexıble And Frıctıon Joınts Between Brıcks For Dampıng The Movements


  • Hakan KOMAN Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey


Masonry, Flexible Joint, Stiff joint, Damping


This study was prepared for determining the effectiveness of polymer flexible joint for damping the movement which occurs between bricks in a masonry wall. In recent years also dry stack masonry was offered as infill wall in a reinforced concrete frame. To compare the effectiveness of polymer joint with friction based damping and to compare the behaviour with traditional stiff joints , dynamic and shear tests were performed. In the dynamic experiments the behaviours of three different masonry specimens are compared and the highest damping ratio is obtained in situation with polymer PM. When the bricks were fixed to the concrete beams with epoxy, damping values were decreased. Also it was seen that polymer joint increases the ductility of the assembly.




How to Cite

KOMAN, H. (2021). Experımental Research On Flexıble And Frıctıon Joınts Between Brıcks For Dampıng The Movements. TAS Journal, 1(2), 25–36. Retrieved from https://tasjournal.com/index.php/tas/article/view/21


