Development in the Prefabricated Building Sector


  • Aycan BARAN İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, İSTANBUL


Prefabricated building, Prefabrication, Construction, Building industry


Technological developments that have arisen due to the increase in the needs of societies have affected the field of construction industry as well as in every field. The most advanced stage that industrialized building production systems have reached today is prefabricated construction systems. Since a large part of our country's lands are under the risk of earthquakes, technologies to increase earthquake resistance are important. Prefabrication, which is one of these technologies, is defined as the process of dividing the entire building into components by giving up on-site production of building components and bringing these elements together at the construction site by preparing them beforehand in factories and workshops.

The use of prefabricated structural elements provides many benefits such as minimizing the total cost of the project, completing the project as quickly as possible, reducing the waste of materials used, providing the desired strength and quality in the construction elements, and also significantly reducing the risk of work accidents that may occur at the construction site. While prefabricated building systems have been used successfully in the world for half a century, the use of prefabricated building systems in our country has started to become widespread, but it is still preferred at a low level. In order to increase the use of the prefabrication sector, it is necessary to encourage the preference of prefabricated construction systems, especially in projects such as public investments that require short construction times.

Prefabricated systems have an important place in terms of meeting the basic needs expected in the construction industry in terms of total low cost, lightness, recyclability, quality and performance. In this study, the development of prefabrication in our country will be examined and evaluations will be made for its use.



How to Cite

BARAN , A. . (2022). Development in the Prefabricated Building Sector. TAS Journal, 2(3), 01–05. Retrieved from


